n. infantile pattern of suckle-swallow movement in which the tongue is placed between incisor teeth or between alveolar ridges during initial stage of swallowing (if persistent can lead to various dental abnormalities) v. [content removed due to Bush campaign to clean up the internet] n. act of nyah-nyah v. pursuing with relentless abandon the need to masticate and thrust the world into every bodily incarnation in order to transform it, via the act of salivation, into nutritive agency

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

last days o' freedom

yep, the toilet's been fixed - the buckets worked really well for the 1.5 days we used them although i gagged three times. but three times isn't bad for the queen of gag-response.

and i decided my students can hate away. that is, i'm planning on being a big wimp and making some of the essays recommended rather than required, which i'm well aware means they'll never read them, but at least there are options for the students who want to read academic talk about how the body relies on masturbation and other such surprises.

school starts tomorrow. really early. i've developed the annoying habit of staying up until 4am and sleeping until noon. this will be a problem because i have two 9am classes and an hour commute. tomorrow will involve strong coffee.

i have been being supremely lazy and have watched most of, or parts of, about thirty episodes of "Gilmore Girls," which is a show i never would have expected myself to like. but i do. all i know is that c2 is a bad, bad influence (i'm passing the buck) and i'm going to actually have to grow myself some actionary fortitude and discipline. it's much easier to be focused when there's a minimum around to distract, and so this is a test of my capacity.

perhaps fortitude and discipline could be grown in a kind of mushroom-hummus mix in my closet (you thought i was being metaphorical with my word choice, but no, i'm being scientific). i will add lots and lots of Dr. Pepper to the mix, some duct tape, some writing music, and will coo lovingly every day on the hour when i'm home, which means no dating or brooding about my ability to embarress myself up to and including the point when i get angry at everyone else for my ability to embarress myself.

aside from Gilmore Girls, i've got myself a new mattress and am lighting candles to the voodoo gods that this means i won't be paralyzed on my entire right side when i wake up, which is what i've been struggling with for the past week or so - hip flexer muscule, achey thigh muscles, crick in the neck and shoulder, pain. last night i slept on my new bed, which i'm pretty sure is composed of shaved duckling fluff and an essence distilled from the milky way, but i still woke up in pain this morning afternoon and had to bribe my way to my feet with wicked strong coffee and four advil.

so i could sit on the couch and watch more Gilmore Girls.

i lost twice in a game of rummicube last night. god, i suck at that game. but every time i approach it, i'm struck down with mute terror upon remembering how my sister can put down thirty squares at a time and make it all work by re-arranging and destroying any and all former order or pairing. and then she has that grin afterwards. anyhow, it was fun even if i lost while hearing the helicopter blades swirling.

can't believe the end of the blissful last two weeks has come. by the way, i meant to add that our party rocked and was wonderful because my previous post made it sound like the party was simply crowded and full of bathroom woes. but it was goodtimes.

well, now i'll go make the most of my last evening of freedom (for probably forever) and read some trashy cyberpunk fiction (which i love, thank you very much). cheers and happy tomorrows to you all, and i swear to god, i'll eventually take some pictures and post them.
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