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n. infantile pattern of suckle-swallow movement in which the tongue is placed between incisor teeth or between alveolar ridges during initial stage of swallowing (if persistent can lead to various dental abnormalities) v. [content removed due to Bush campaign to clean up the internet] n. act of nyah-nyah v. pursuing with relentless abandon the need to masticate and thrust the world into every bodily incarnation in order to transform it, via the act of salivation, into nutritive agency
Saturday, November 05, 2005

I got a ta-position for next semester, teaching underneath a fellow Bville-ster - we'll be in a class on Metafiction, which I've always wanted to learn more about and I'll be teaching, which I missed, and I'll be learning about teaching from another teacher, which I've also missed. Anyhow, I've been wriggling about it, and all.
And so, I went to a film from the queer film festival with sb. The films were three Korean shorts - about a half hour each. All of the films were on video and so had a shortage of color, and sometimes some really bad sound editing. The first one started with a man masturbating to a boxing match, and got much worse than that. It ended with two men having sex in their bedroom while the 7-year old daughter was in the bedroom with them - "sleeping" on a tatami mat nearby. It horrified me. The trauma. The film also had a great scene where the three characters were sitting on a bench together eating fudgecicles (dgsm pointed out to me that popsicles of some sort figured into all three films, a fact that I apparently wanted to leave buried in my subconscious). After the answer from one man that "he was happy in his marriage," the other man swallowed his whole fudgesicle and then jumped up and started to break-dance for the next few minutes (moonwalk and all). Yeah. The subtitles on that one looked like they needed a little help from ol' moi and sb from the learning center. The other two fortunately engaged in more psychological interpretations of queerdom. Better, much better.
And then sushi afterwards, followed by and including good conversation and beers and ww joining. and then afterwards driving home, listening to music. ww thought maybe I was drunk when she dropped me off and so waited until I got inside (ahhhh) and then called to make sure I hadn't fallen down the stairs, only to chastise me since I had slipped out of the house the second she left and went for a walk with all the light wind and leaves blowing. The trees here are almost bare and the gutters are mulching. I woke up this morning to see papers and bags strewn all over the streets - must've been a strong wind - but last night, the evening just walking around my home my neighborhood my place in this world, chatting with w-squared, who's an actress, fancy that - not being shy in front of a camera - and then falling falling to sleep.
lot's and lot's of buddies and friends and co-writers and co-artists and funny peoples and brave peoples and glow.
You know what? Sometimes things just come together.