n. infantile pattern of suckle-swallow movement in which the tongue is placed between incisor teeth or between alveolar ridges during initial stage of swallowing (if persistent can lead to various dental abnormalities) v. [content removed due to Bush campaign to clean up the internet] n. act of nyah-nyah v. pursuing with relentless abandon the need to masticate and thrust the world into every bodily incarnation in order to transform it, via the act of salivation, into nutritive agency

Thursday, March 01, 2007

in the life of a little one

since she lives in Germany, it was gangling late into the night and i was feeling tired, so i ended up quitting the conversation earlier than either of us wanted to... so nice to hear the voice of a best friend, one i have in a black-and-white photograph, stretched out on the sand under a beachdrifted log, near my bed in the small album of dear.

but off i was. and then there she was calling me back after i had turned off the light and settled down to drift.

when i picked up, she had me on speakerphone (ahhhhhhh), and then she and bl, her husband, asked if i wanted to be the godmother to their little baby girl.

"it's a big thing, so you can think about it for awhile."

i didn't need to think about it at all.

but what i now need to do is discover how to be the best and sassiest godmother ever (and also figure out if this gives me "fairy" godmother powers... rats to coachmen and back again could come in handy someday).


Congrats on being a Godmother,Bez!
I know you'll be a magical one!

So when are you off to Germany,eh?
ah, Germany.
growing the wings as i type...
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