n. infantile pattern of suckle-swallow movement in which the tongue is placed between incisor teeth or between alveolar ridges during initial stage of swallowing (if persistent can lead to various dental abnormalities) v. [content removed due to Bush campaign to clean up the internet] n. act of nyah-nyah v. pursuing with relentless abandon the need to masticate and thrust the world into every bodily incarnation in order to transform it, via the act of salivation, into nutritive agency

Saturday, December 30, 2006

building democracy

"US President George W Bush hailed the execution as "an important milestone" on the road to building an Iraqi democracy, but warned it would not end the deadly violence there." -BBC report on Saddam's execution

This time GW has surpassed himself in utter disgusting creepiness, unethical stupidity, corrupt rhetoric, and ego-built blindness. A state-sanctified murder as a road-marking brick in the process towards a system of governing that respects all voices? I forget: what was Saddam being tried for again?

Sick. Sick. Sick.
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